Tuesday, February 19, 2008

History of the Internet 101

This might be a review for some of you, but it'll do you good to see it again.

This is really old, taking me back to my early college years (8 years or so - yikes!)... Flash was just starting to catch on and the beginning of the widespread internet video world was taking foot in places like shockwave.com and icebox.com to name a few.

Watching this is like watching a film from the 1920s. By todays standards it looks amateur, and you can all but see footage of Joe Sparks at his computer overusing and abusing Flash's features with little or no relevance to the plot, but Radiskull and Devil Doll ruled the internet world for a short time (really, they made and sold stuffed devil dolls and everything), only to return to hell where they rule for all eternity. . .

The music is still really great, with a lot of inspiration from early Beastie Boys.

Here is the first in the series of eight:

After the first three episodes it really goes down hill, but if you can stomach the first half of the second one, I urge you to at least watch all three - you'll get extra credit points:


Internet Video Guy

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